Friday, January 23, 2009

Is MLM A Scam?

MLM Scams: is there such a thing or is it just a whole lot of people wrong here? Well yes there are some scams out there and there are also some good MLM companies out there too. As my gramps used to say “One bad apple spoils the bunch.” So let’s dig in to what is a scam?
To correctly and safely identify MLM scams a person has to first know a lot about MLM.

Most beginners in MLM and those just considering MLM don't know much about MLM so what most people do is they automatically group all of MLM, or at least most MLM deals, into the group of 'MLM scams'.
Although this is not fair to the MLM industry it does help many people, who know very little about MLM, from getting taken by those few MLM scams that do exist because they then decide to not get involved in MLM.
Okay, so just what can you do to protect yourself from MLM scams? That is the $64,000question! The answer is not so simple.

You have to do your homework and undertake a very detailed investigation of the company you are looking at.
You have to have a keen understanding of how MLM really works so that what may at first appear okay turns out looking like a scam, after a little investigation.
And what looked a little funny may actually turn out, after a thorough look, to be okay to pursue. You have to get educated on the whole concept of MLM scams.

At some level the person makes an emotional decision about doing an MLM program. And when the emotion clears up and level-headedness appears the person begins to see the deal, for the first time, for what it actually is.
And more often than not the deal isn't what it first appeared, through emotion laden eyes, to be.

So keep your emotions out of any decision you make about joining, or not joining, an MLM deal and you'll be virtually guaranteed to not find yourself in the middle of another of those many MLM scams. More on Is MLM a Scam in my next post. Need a Mentor?

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